Friday, January 28, 2022


   In pursuance ol Ministry of Interior's direction vide letter ENo.4-1/Z02Z-CDA-III, dated 10.01.2022, the appllcatlons for the following project posts tabllahment of Medical & Cardiac Cara Unit In AddTtTonaT Block of CAPFféL HOSPITAL ISLAMABAD) at Capital Hospital on contract basis are hereby relnvlted the from suitable candldates posaeeNng quallflcations, eXperlence and age limit as men¢oned against each post.

Sr.¥ Name of Post BPS No. of Post MTnlmum QualoTcatlon, ExgerTenoe and other Condltlons ProvTncTal ouota

Consultant Cardiac Surgeon


01 I) MBBS or equivalent qualltlcation recognized by Paklstan Medical Commission / PMDG.

ii) FCPS / ORCS or equivalent qualification recognlzed by PMC In Cardlac Surgery.

lil)  10 years clinical experience in the requlsite specialty. Age. 4S years





01 MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by' PMC.

PMC level III qualification in reapeetive subject like FCPS / MD / MW or other equivalent leve

Ill qualification in the specialty recognized / registered by the PMC.

07 years clinical experience in tha requisite specialty / field. Age: 4S Yearn



01 i. MBBS or equlvalent quald'ication reco gntzad by PMC.

1i. PMC level III qualflica1lon In respective subject like FCPS / MD / MS or other equivalenł Ieve

III qualification in the specialty recognlzed / registered by the PMC. iil.  07 years clinical experience in the requis)te opeciaJty / field.

Age: 4S Years



MaxII1ofacTaI Surgeon


01 I. MBBS or equivalent qualltlcatlon recognized by PMC.

IL PMC level III auallflcatlon In respective subject Ilke FCPS / MD / MD or other equlvalent leve III quallflcatlon In the speclalty recognlzed / registered by tlne PMC.

U\.    07 years cI1nIcaI experlence in the requlslte specialty / fleld. Age — 45 yearn



Orthodontic Spec1aI1st


01 MBBS or equlvalent quaittlcatlon racognlzed by PMC.

PMG ]eveI III quallllcatlon In respective subject 1II‹e FCPS / MD / MS or other equlvalent leve

lii quailficatlon In the specialty recognlzed / registered by the PMC. lil.  07 years cllnlcal experience In the requlslte specialty / field.

Age: 4S years



Plastic Surgeon


01 l. MBBS or equlyalent quallllcation recognized by PMC.

ii.   PMC level III qualllicatlon in respective subject like FCPS / MD / MS or other equlvaJent leve III qualification In the Specialty recognlzed / registered Dy the PMC.

!iI.  07 year clinical expeñence In the requlcite specialty / field. Age: 45 years




ł 9

01 MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized by PMC.

PMC level III quallfioalion in respective subject 1Ike FCPS / MD / MS or other equivalent leve

III qualification in the specialty recognized / registered by the PMC.

07 year clinical experience }n the requisite specialty / field. Age 45 years



Vmoulo Su,geon


01 I. MBBS or aqu)vaIent qualltlcatlon recognized by PMC.

ii. PMC level III qualification in respective subject like FCPS / MD / MS or other equlvalent Ieve

III qualification in the speclalty recognized / registered by the PMC.

lii.  07 years cllnlcal experlence In the requlslte speclalty / fie!d. Age: 4S years





01 I. MBBS or equlvalent qualltlcatlon recognized by PMC.

li. PMC level III aualltlcation In respective subject IIke FCPS / MD / MS or other equlvalent leve III quallflcatlon In the speclalty recognlzed / reglstered by the PMC.

lil.  07 years cI1nIcaI experlence In the requlslte specialty / held. Age: 45 years





01 l. MBBS or equlvalent qualtlcatlon recognized by PMC.

li. PMC ]evel III qualification ]n respective subject IIke FCPS / MD / MS or otner equlvalent leve III quallficatlon In the specialty recognized / registered by the PMC.

Ili.   07 years cllnlcal exper!ence In the requlaite apecTalty / field. Age. 4S years


11 D!rec!or Biomedical 19 04 i) M.S Biomedical Englneerlng.

li)  12 yeah expeflence in the relevant field Age. 45 Years Merit

  Chlet Nurslng superlntendent

19 01 ł) Post Graduation in Nurstng.

li)   12 years experlence in the ralevant field. Age: 4S Years Merlt


Barlatrlc Surgeon


01 I. MBBS or equivalent qualltlcatlon recognlzed by PMC.

IL PMC level III auallflcatlon In respective subject Ilke FCPS / MD / MS or other equlvalent leve

III qu•I!fIcatIon In the speclalty tecognlzed / reglsteied by the PMC. lil.  03 years cllnlcal experience In the requlslte specialty / fleld.

Age: 35 years



Associate Neuro Physician


01 MBBS or equivalent oualltlcatlon recognized by PMC.

PMC level III qualltlcatlon Tn respective subject Ilke FCPS / MD / MS or other equlvaTent leve

III quallflcatlon In the speclaJty recognlzed / reglstered Dy the PMC.

03 years cI1nIcaI experience In the requlslte specialty / field. Age: 35 years



Amocate Neuro Surgeon


01 MBBS or equlyalent quallllcation recognized by PMC.

PLC level III qualification in respective subject IIke FCPS / MD / MS or other equivalen1 III qualiflcatlon In the aqeciaty recognized / registered by the PMC.

IU.  03 yeafs cllnlcal experience In the requlsite specialty / field.

Age: 35 years



C!lnlcal Psychologlst


01 Ph.D / M.PhII / M.Sc or equivalaiJt qualification in Psychology recognized by HEC.

Diploma in clinical Psychology or equivalent.

5 years clinical / teaching experience in the elevant field. Age. 36 years





01 l. B.S / M.S (Audlology).

IL Preference will be glven to MS / M.PhI1 (Audlology  / Hearlng Sciences).

III.   02 years expehence In the requisite specialty.

Age: 3S years.



Speech Theraplst


0d B.Ss (Speech Language Pathology).

Preference wlll be given to MS / M.PSII (Speech & Language Pathology). IU.    02 years (post dlploma) c!lnlcaI experlence In the requlshe speclalty. Age: 3S years.



Medical Oflicers (1:3)



I) MBBS or equivalent quallficalion recognized by the Pakistan MadlcaJ Commission. li) One year house jab.

iii)  Preference will be given to those having previous experience in the relevant field. Age: 30 yeais Merit-a2

Pun]ab-16 Slndh (R) - 4 SJndh (U) - 3 BaIochistan•2



(Newly merged Dietrjct of KPK


Head Nurse


09 I) BSc. Nurslng recognized by PaMstan Nurslng CouncI1.

li) 05 yearn regular servlce as Staff Nur6e \n government / semi-government / registered / recognized private hoagltal.

lix)   Age: 33 years OF

I) Matilc with Sclence

li) Diploma In General Nursing.

lii)  Dlploma In Midwifery.

lv)   of years regular service as Gtaff Nurae In government / semi-government / registered / recognize private hospital.

“Note: Hlghar qualifications / axgañenca will be preferred.

Merit-01 Punjab-4 5In^^ tR) - 1 5lPdh (U) - 1 Balochistan-\ KPK-1


Staff Nume (1:3)


  I) BSc. Nurslng recogn zed by Pakistan Nursing Counci!.

li)   Preference will be given to those having previous experience in the field. lil)  Aga: Z7 years OF

I) Matrlc with Sclance

li)   Diploma in General Numing.

lii)  Diploma In Midwifery.

lv)  Preference wlll be given to those havlng previous experlence In the field. ”Note: Higher qualifications / experience will be preferred. Meril-02

Punjab-16 Slndh tR-) 4

Sndh (U- 3

BaIochIotan-2 AJK•1 KPK-4


(Newly mergea DlstrTct of KPK

  Speech Therapy Technlcian


01 I. Matrlc w th science.

Dlploma / Certiflcate ln relevant tleld.

Experlence preferred




IT Technlclan


02 ICS, 02 yaars experience OF

Matric with Science  Diploma / Certiticate in relevant field.

03 years experience.

Age: 25 year. Meńt-01


24 Biomedical Technician 09 01 I) Matñc wilh Science + Diploma / Cer1ificate In ratavant fieId.

li)      OF yeare experlence in relevant field. Age: 25 years. Merit

2S Receptlonist 07

  SA / FSc, ICS, I.Com with one year relevant experience. Age. 25 years

Slndh(R)-1 KPK1


Secunty Guards


08 I) Mlddle Pacs.

li)  Ey-service man is preterable. Age 3S yeam (Provlded tnet \fscancIes In sucti poete stiall not

*e fllIeA leeu than flfty percent firm smongat tbe persone domlelled In tfie (INT}

27 vVan Boy 02 08 Primary passed, preferably m‹ddIe passed.

Previous experience in a hospital preferable. Age: 2s years —do-



02 08 I) Prlmary passed, preferably middle paoaed.

li) Previous eXperlance in a hospital prafarable. Age: 2fi yeah —do-

28 O'itice AAenda nt 01 15 I) Prlmary passed, preferably midd]e passed.

li) Previous experience as Office Attendant preferable.

Age: 25 years —do-

30 Sanlta yvvorkere

0{ 10 I) Merate

li) Previous expeñence as Sanitary Worker preferable. Age 2s years —do-


New wfltten appllcation on plain paper along with attested copies of all educadonaJ documents, experience certificates, two recent photographs, CNIC and Domicile should reach the otI'ice of Project Director/ Director General (HC&II) Capital Hospital, CDA within 1S days from the date of this advertlsement.

Name of Post and Serial Number should be mentioned on the left corner of the Envelope and app#catlons wlth Block Bold Letters.

Incomplete and unattestad documents MII not be entertalned.

No Té / DA wI)I be admissible for comlng for the test / Interview. Only shortllsteo candldates wlll be called for test / Interview.

The candidates working in pub1Ic sector departments / organizations should send their applicatlon through proper channel. Age relaxation shall be allowed aa oer government Instructions / pollcy.

All applicable quotas will be observed as per Fedaral Government policy.

All project posts shall be purely on contract basis for a pariod of ona year having no vested rlght for regular appointment.

All applications should be forwarded through Post Office or any courier service. No applicatlon will de entertained "BY LAND".

The Capilal Devełopment Authorlty has lne right to cancel advemsement at any tlme.


Capital Hospital, CDA, Sector G•6/2 lalamabad.

PID (I) 5142/2021

Projeot Dizector / DG (HC&SI)

Capital Hospitał

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